Monday, October 20, 2008

Strength to Climb

I'm starting to let Coke roam around the house on its own for a few days now, training him to be less skittish and encourage curiosity. And to my surprise, just tonight, I came out of my room to find him ON the sofa! Yep... he climbed it on his own! Must've been a major feat for someone so tiny hehe.


Unknown said...

He looks a lot healthier that the earlier pics.... and he's SOOO cute!!!

You're doing a great job caring for him. :-)

Unknown said...

That is me up there in case you're wondering. Wasn't successful logging in with my LJ account so I logged in with google instead.

~Makteh LaLa Land~

Fizzy Fizah said...

Oh heheh hi MakTeh. Wonder why you can't comment using your LJ account.

And yep... Coke's getting cuter by the day. He's grown now, I hardly realize it 'cuz I see him everyday but when I look back at these pictures I notice how he's changed! Thankfully he seems healthy.

I'm sorta back-posting a few entries here... I took some pictures and videos but never had the time to update. Will hopefully get to the most recent entry soon! :D