Friday, January 30, 2009

Gender Correction

Guess what, fellow readers?

Coke is MALE. Eyyup. Of the masculine gender.... as compared to being feminine. I'm so guilty for confusing him of his identity all this while. LOL.

Well thing is, I guess it's just that he's been so tiny all this while I didn't notice anything obvious in his... ahh... nether regions. His gender, when checked months ago, looked very female. So it wasn't until two days ago, whilst I am on a work trip outside of the country, my galpal Eema (who is helping caring for him part-time whilst I am away) sent me a text to say that COKE HAS BALLS. Thus coming to a final conclusion that yes, ladies and gentlemen... my not-so-little kitty cat is male.

Bless the little bugger. No wonder he's so psychotic.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Red Collar

I've been meaning to post this up ages ago but I keep forgetting, so these pictures are slightly belated. One of the very rare occasions I let her on my bed, 'cuz she'd just been cleaned. Otherwise I can't let her come into my room so much 'cuz I'm actually allergic to cats (despite loving them to bits!)

Coke's first collar (the silver-blue one) was plastic and got a bit worn out, so I bought a new one for her to wear. It's now red with white polka dots! The collar didn't have a bell initially, but thanks to 'uncle' Kysern, we've got a purple one to attach to it :-)